

Marina Square | Singapore 

A Walk In the Woods

Wandewoo is a slang derived from the word "Wonderful". The Client has a vision to inspire its customers to appreciate the finer things by slowing down the pace of life. Each piece of the home and lifestyle products are handmade by artists and designers from around the whole. SODA is tasked to magnify this vision into the spatial design of their first flagship retail store in Asia. Located at Marina Square, the Shopping Haven at the Bay, the irregularity of the floor plate is translated into a diverted journey as walking in the woods whereby the circulation space for the customers has no clear pathways. Fixtures are purposefully designed and arranged to divert the movements throughout the entire store in order to achieve the sense of exploration and curiosity. The element of surprise is inserted towards the rear end of the journey and presented as an impression of a secret garden which displays the Client's handmade floral items.


Wandewoo是一个由“Wonderful”衍生而出的欧洲俚语,该店位于Marina Square,the Shopping Haven at the Bay。客户以鼓励人们从慢生活中体会事物的别样美好为公司愿景。这里的每一件生活物品都由艺术家和设计师手工打造。新加坡soda设计事务所将客户的愿景融入到Wandewoo在亚洲的第一间旗舰店的设计中。将不规则的店面空间转换成林中漫步的旅程,没有明确的路径使得顾客可以在流动的空间里随意穿梭。精心设计的家具通过特别的摆放技巧,形成弯曲的道路,既有充足的通行道路,又能满足客户的探索欲望和好奇心。设计师将惊喜的元素放在旅程的最后,将该区域打造成秘密花园的形象,集中展示店家手工制作的花卉物品。

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