Wisma Atria | Singapore
Chaos Amidst Order
Inspired by the Chaos Theory of the late Professor Edward Lorenz (1917-2008), regular order of spaces is perceived as a linear system and disorder as a trajectory that disrupts the ordinary. The retail experience in our metropolitan city has evolved from the need for clarity and certainty to a desire for exploration and imagination. SODA instilled the idea of embedding chaos in order to define a new spatial typology for Soo Kee Jewellery’s concept store. It is intended to alter the mundane retail experience into an unexpected journey by disordering the order of things.
This project has won the Design Excellence Awards 2012’s Bronze Award under the Retail and Exhibition Category.
取材自美国近代气象学家,爱德华.罗仑次(1917-2008)著名的混沌理论-‘初始空间的排列性质可以被彻底打乱,使得任何初始状态变换到其他任何位置’。今时今日,购物已经从购买必需品转化成为一种生活品质的追求和体现,因此新加坡SODA设计事务所将混沌理论中的概念带入了SooKee Jewellery旗舰店,力求突破一般的空间设计,带给访客不一样的购物体验。设计上大胆地将许多既定的元素刻意打乱,进行错落有致的重新排序,摆脱世俗的购物形式,带来一种乱中有序的特殊感官飨宴。
此设计获得 DEA 2012 (新加坡杰出工业设计大赏2012) 商店设计类别铜奖。