ION Orchard | Singapore 

Duality + Union

Located in one of Singapore’s most prestigious mall, the ION Orchard, the store stands at the forefront of The Jewellery Street. Conceptualized from a mind map that derives the design language of Duality + Union, it further narrates how a marriage bond two individuals together as one. This leads to the spatial execution of two separated entrances that leads to a Union space. In a form of a Halo, it wraps and bonds the entire store while the other spaces serve as guides for the audience into this spatial core. The neutral palette of finishes and furnishings was chosen to direct an outcome that depicts the becoming of one, the union as a neutral ground.


该Soo Kee珠宝店位于新加坡最负盛名的乌节路购物街上的ION商场。通过设计来叙述婚姻如何将两个人联系在一起。并在此概念基础上,设计了可以通往同一区域的两个不同的入口。中心区域位于象征幸福的圆环光芒之下,而其他空间则用来引领顾客观众进入该区域。店面设计选择了中性色调的饰面和家具,从而达到一个自然和谐的环境。