

Bedok Mall | Singapore

Spectrum of Red

Designed for a traditional belief of embracing gold as precious jewellery. SODA reiterated the idea of appreciating gold in the modern context. The grandeur of Red is perceived as a landscape of passionate love and sensual bliss to celebrate gold as the essential emblem of marriage and prestige. The interior walls are segmented into various modes of displays to encompass a wide range of jewelleries and info-graphics which naturally forms a collage of grids and planes. Black lines and frames subtly accentuate this composition to allow further emphasis on products as pieces of art.


这是一个赋予传统黄金饰品店全新定义的设计。新加坡SODA设计事务所致力于运用新颖的手法展现金饰的传统意义,大胆地大量采用抢眼的红色为基调,表达出炽热的情感和感官上的冲击,同时也衬 托出耀眼的金饰在华人传统婚姻像征的重要地位。室内空间的墙面划分成了大小不一的板块,分别由各式的展示橱窗和产品海报组合而成。当中黑色的分隔线内敛地将各个板块分割开来,却又不会让人觉得唐突,让整个室内空间渗透出一丝丝有别于一般商店的气质,仿佛是一间富丽堂皇的艺术画廊。
