Parkway Parade 

Relearn the art of Seeing

The Ogawa retail stores have evolved from hard selling products to educating consumers on health related topics as a way of selling their products. When SODA took on the mission to rejuvenate it’s retail spaces, one of the key pain-points is the lack of product zoning and experience. This has informed us to redefine the spaces by designating "invisible" zones for product experience on a intrinsic level. Spaces were fundamentally planned with a user-centric approach and products were displayed with the intention to encourage users for trials. Customized holders in clear acrylic are designed to display smaller products for maximum visual attention.


奥佳华 (OGAWA) 是知名的跨国企业,也是大型的上市公司,多年来一直秉承“融入生活,享受健康”的品牌理念。基于其品牌的理念精神和客户的要求,设计师开始对上一代设计中的不足之处进行改良。首先对产品的分区问题进行了空间的重新定义,避免因空间内产品摆放不当而产生混乱感。其次,对天花上灯光的摆放位置进行调整。从上一代的没有灯光聚点改良为有聚点,通过灯光的聚点来突显其按摩椅等产品,并使用了舒适的光线,客户坐在按摩椅上也不会觉得灯光刺眼。同时也为店面设置了专用柜用来摆放小型电器产品,并为其设计了透明亚克力托手,透明的托手材料有利于让客户看到完整的产品造型。整个空间设计风格为简约风,简约风有利于着重突显产品特点。考虑到整体设计效果,设计师将所有的电线隐藏起来,但同时又不会影响使用,达到美观又实用的效果。
