Clifford Centre | Singapore
A Triangular Literary
As a dynamic business consultancy firm that relies on the theory of Corporate Reputation + Public Relations + Capital Markets, it has directed SODA to further decipher a tripartite relationship as a design language. SODA brings this corporate statement to a new level by interpreting it as an array of recurring triangular literary that is envisaged as the Client’s hallmark. The design intention of maintaining the openness in the work environment is to further facilitate the dynamism in the operational flow, as well as to encourage connectivity among working colleagues.
作为一家商业咨询公司,Newgate总是为他们的客户在公司声誉,公共关系和资本市场这三角关 系中周旋。而这个有趣的现象就成了新加坡SODA设计事务所在这个案子上的设计起点。贯彻一直以来以品牌特质为设计导向的信念,这个咨询公司所要经常面对的三角习题被具体化成众多的三角形,并在组合之下设计成了这家公司的形象代表,安置在最显眼的公司入口处。开放式的工作环境除了方便公事上的运作,也无形中加强了同事之间的沟通。