NAFA 75th Anniversary
NAFA Campus 1 | Singapore | Completed
Alchemy-ism the Wonder Kid
The ideology of discovering knowledge is perceived as a form of Alchemy. Whereby the ability to transform the mundane into extraordinary, that often leaves the audience in awe and wonder. The two-part narrative exhibition leads the audience into a storyline that elevates imagination and transcend them between visionary and intervention boundaries. The analogy of a grassland as exhibition space depicts the vastness of a field as creative possibilities where contents of the movie were built as part of the exhibition environment. The works of alumnus were housed in two pavilions through the use of interactive apps on iPads and continuation of movie screenings.
This project has won Design Excellence Awards 2014’s Gold Award under the Exhibition Category.
炼金术自古以来就代表着一种高智慧的学术,总是能化腐朽为神奇,让旁人啧啧称奇又赞叹不 已。由两个部分组合而成的新加坡南洋艺术学院(NAFA )75周年展览尝试将观展者带入充满无限可能的故事中在想像和现实的空间之间游走。展览场地被设计成有如一片广阔草原丘陵,目的在于传递创意可以无限延伸的正面讯息。屏幕后的场景仿佛由平面转向立体,也让观展者体验将想像化为现实的无限可能。 历届校友的参展作品也透过平板电脑和投影等多媒体的相结合,在两个独立的设计展馆中展出。
此设计获得 DEA 2014 (新加坡杰出工业设计大赏2014) 展览设计类别金奖。