SODA is glad to participate as one of the exhibitor for 'Moved' - a group exhibition by lecturers of NAFA 3D Design Programme who will present works in their respective disciplines. Our Managing Director Mr Tung Ching Yew, will be exhibiting 20 years of his selected design journals titled - Sketches and Writings: CIrca 1995 – 2015; Random and process sketches of spaces to communicate the emotions of thoughts-in-progress. This collection of sketches and writings were produced during both his academic and built projects. It is to reinforce the values of sketching in spatial design and to remind ourselves of the relevance of this vanishing art in design practice.

3D Design Exhibition "MOVED" : 26 artists and designers will present works in their respective disciplines of environmental, architectural, exhibition, interior, furniture, jewellery and object design.

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