

Circuit Road | Singapore

Encapsulating Nostalgia

Nesting in one of Singapore’s oldest housing district which behaves like a momentary pause in history, the F&B cafe is owned and named under the founder of Neo Group Limited which houses brands such as Neo Garden Catering, Umi Sushi, Orange Clove, etc. In search of a design methodology, SODA walked down the memory lane to decipher an emotional baggage of growing up in the 1960’s and emerged with a design approach that encapsulate the spirit of nostalgia. The frugal lifestyle of the owner’s childhood days is perceived as witty applications of reused materials and recycled fittings that naturally infused a slice of his childhood as a spatial typology.


座落在新加坡其中一个最有历史的麦波申住宅区,这家仿佛让时光停滞的咖啡馆,是由拥有Neo Garden Catering, Umi Sushi, Orange Clove等知名品牌的梁苑集团创办人梁佳吉所创办,并直接以他的名字为这家咖啡馆命名。新加坡SODA事务所走入记忆的长廊,搜寻60年代人们的情感历程,通过设计重现这些怀旧之情。当年俭朴的生活通过再循环材料的运用和设计,深刻但不刻意地和记忆中的童年回忆相结合,轻轻敲醒那段被遗忘的美好时光。