Kallang Wave | Singapore

Form of Union + Gathering as a Single Entity

The project amplifies the understanding of the Japanese culture, Issho (一緒) as a form of union + gathering and therefore defines a series of gathering spaces within the restaurant’s interior. It further explored the Japanese dining culture in various modes of settings that resulted in series of diversified spatial qualities. SODA collaborated with budding Japanese artist, Irene Kasuma, on embroidery + origami art installations that were inspired by the traditions of Japanese garment - kimono. It further heightens the restaurant design outcome into a amiable persona.


该居酒屋按日本的原名转换成汉字为‘绪’,意为相聚。希望用这样的企业精神,来定义这间居酒屋的室内空间。整个空间通过规划不同的群聚用餐空间来表达日本多元化的用餐体验。新加坡SODA设计事务所也特别和一位日本手工艺大师Irene Kasuma合作,让空间设计配合她的巧手展现出来的缝制和折纸艺术品,将日本传统和服文化细致地镶嵌入整个设计概念中。