Kallang Sector | Singapore 

Smart Spaces

The first global Co-Innovation Space in Singapore by Infineon Technologies is more than just a workspace for start-ups. It is a meeting place for business innovation thinking and connections to major Infineon partners and customers in the region. This has allowed SODA to create an experimental collaborative space with the integration of smart technology such as smart lighting control and innovative electrical and security systems. The workplace design comprises of four private workspaces for four selected start-ups, connected by a centralized lounge that act as a platform for co-creation work, exchange of knowledge and access to partnerships.


英飞凌科技公司在新加坡开设了全球第一家共享创新办公空间。对创业企业来说,这不仅仅只是一个工作区域,也是集商务社交,推进商业创新思维,连接企业之间合作的互动空间。新加坡SODA设计事务所(Spirit Of Design Analogy Pte Ltd)借助了智能技术,包括智能照明,创新电气,智能保安系统等来创建这个协作空间,满足企业更高效的使用需求。工作场所包含了四个私人的工作区域,以供四家选定的初创公司使用,并通过一个明亮采光的集中休息室连接空间与人,实现工作者的需求,建立更紧密的企业合作关系。