地中海的渔获 – Fish and Co
相较于我们常遇上的情况,客户这次的委托有些不大一样。我们这次接触的 Fish and Co 是一家已经经营多年的饮食品牌,多年来在大众的心目中形象已 经非常鲜明。以往我们在接下一个案子后的首要任务就是确认品牌的特质和整个设计的走向,然而这一次我们是得从已知的形象和风格找出新的元素,同时保留这个品牌一直以来带给大众的感觉。
Fish and Co 多年来一直强调客户可以以合理的价格品尝最新鲜的海鲜美食, 而整个设计风格则是以地中海渔民的生活为主轴。而这次他们进军的购物商场 的天花板普遍偏低,也给设计带来了一些挑战。在了解整个设计走向和所要解决的难题后,我们就开始逐步着手投入设计工作。
首先是整间餐厅的外观,我们很快就确定了以开放式的设计作处理,一方面可 以让餐厅更接近人群,体现 Fish and Co 的营业方针,另一方面可以舒缓偏低 天花板所带来的压迫感。至于代表着餐厅身份的招牌,我们也因为天花板的高 度限制,避免一贯从天花板悬挂下来的方式,而是装置在一般视觉高度的一幅 墙面,让招牌更直接地映入眼帘。同时衬托招牌的这幅墙,是由保留着天然纹 理并染上淡蓝色的木片组合而成,木片的两端镶上黑色铆钉,配合亮黄色的 Fish and Co 手写字体,地中海的海滩情怀顿时扑面而来。
过于开放式的门面其实会面临一个问题,就是商场的公共走道和餐厅的分野会 不够明显。然而我们从海边渔村码头的景致取得灵感,以码头走道的木制围栏作为元素,设置在餐厅和公共走廊的分界线上。这样一来餐厅的范围就变得显而易见,同时增添了几许海滩气息。围栏上也安装了灯饰,让用餐的灯光氛围更加舒服。
整间餐厅的座位摆设一目了然,并没有采用多余的间隔,让整个空间更通畅。 在家具的选择上,都采用了由木料和铝制金属组合成的桌椅,朴实的外形和整体的风格非常契合。我们也特地选用了两种造型不同的椅子进行随性地搭配, 让那种海边自由不羁的个性更强烈一些。
由于天花板和家具方面的呈现方式比较直接,我们就在地面上多做一些变化。 在设计时,我们运用了两种不同色调的地砖,在地面上制造出简洁的几何图案。而巧妙的地方在于我们也将一样的材质运用在吧台上,并让两种不同色调 的地砖在铺排时维持一致的走向,确保吧台和地面在视觉上可以做到无缝接 轨。所以在完成后,就会有一种地面延伸成吧台的视觉效果,为整体空间添加一些趣味。
室内空间左右两侧的墙面也各自相映成趣。左侧的墙面一开始就被设定为展示 代表着这个品牌精神的徽标图案的背景。我们因此让它跳脱框架,运用白色亮面瓷砖处理这个墙面,让墙面上的图案可以更突出。墙面上的图案也并非运用印刷出来的贴纸,而是特地邀请两位壁画达人参与制作,运用投影机先将图案 的外形投置在墙面上,再由两位壁画大人一笔一划亲手绘制而成。虽然过程颇为费时费力,但出来的效果多了一份手作的温暖,也为整个空间多添了一份个性。
相较于左侧墙面的简洁亮丽,右侧的墙面则是带来朴实奔放的感觉。我们选择了三种不同的色料随机漆在三种不同尺寸的木板上,因此产生了九种不同类型 的木板,然后再将这九种不同的木板拼凑在墙面上,形成一个错落有致的集合 体。在这堵墙上还悬挂了画上趣致图文的冲浪板,蓝白相间的救生圈,组合成一幅海洋风情浓郁的画面。
餐厅里还有不少小元素都在时时刻刻散发着海洋的气息,带来小小的趣味。像是通往厨房的门上的窗是呈圆形的,和渔船上的门是同一款的设计。从厨房传 递菜肴给前台的开口处也被巧妙地设计成类似海上小屋的窗口。在入口处接待客户的柜台则以类似收纳捕鱼用具的木箱的形式呈现,让食客从接触到餐厅的 第一刻开始,就仿佛进入了地中海渔民的生活中。
用餐可以是一件很愉悦的事,如果餐厅的设计可以多一份心思,让食客可以留 下更深刻的印象,那用餐的体验就能更完整也更美好。透过设计能让普罗大众 感受一份小确幸,何尝不是一个设计师的一份成就呢?
Fishing in the Mediterranean
Designing for a renowned brand can very challenging as one need to work within the bounds of brand identity to create a design that is at once easily recognizable yet not a rehash of elements in other branches.
Fish and Co is a popular restaurant chain in Malaysia and its established design is based on the life of fishermen in the Mediterranean. The first thing we decided on is to adopt an open design concept for the exterior of the restaurant to minimize barriers between customers as well as to reduce the visual pressure from the relatively low ceiling of this mall.
To create a distinction between the mall space and the shop space, we drew inspiration from the wooden barrier commonly found on docks in crafting a very light divider, and added lightings on the fence to further enhance the dining experience.
The low ceiling also meant that we could not suspend the signboard as commonly done, but had to place it on a wall near eye level. The wall itself is kept very raw and retains much of its unfinished texture to reflect the rustic life of the fishermen.
There are no partitioned spaces within the restaurant so as to allow the eye to flow smoothly across the space which reflects the uninhibited atmosphere of the seaside. The furniture is very simple in design and made primarily of wood and metal to enhance the rustic touch.
The ground is laid out using bricks of two different shades in a geometric pattern which extends to the bar area to create a seamless integration. Doing this helps visually extends the ground and add a touch of surprise to the space.
The wall to the left is designed to showcase the brand logo and we took the logo out of its usual frame to apply directly to the white flossy wall for greater visual prominence. Rather than resorting to stickers to recreate the pattern on the wall, we engaged professional help to create the mural from scratch. It was a time-consuming job but the end result added much warmth and personality to the space. For the right wall, a patchwork out of wooden planks adds a touch of random beauty to the place which is then complemented by beach related graphics.
All in all, we are pleased with the result and the atmosphere created has no doubt greatly enhanced the dining experience for customers.