Design Excellence Aspirations: The 5 Languages of Design
Presented by Mr. Tung Ching Yew, Managing Director of SODA (Spirit Of Design Analogy Pte Ltd)
演讲者:张进耀 Tung Ching Yew新加坡SODA设计事务所董事长(Spirit of Design Analogy Pte Ltd)
S.I.D.E (Singapore Interior Design Expose + Experience + Export) is an initiative by SIDS (Society of Interior Designers Singapore) to promote local design talents in overseas markets. Our Managing Director, Mr Tung Ching Yew is honoured to be selected as one of the keynote speaker to showcase our works for the 1st Singapore-China Design Symposium Series event in Kunming, China. We thank you Yunnan Interior Design Industry Association for hosting us and SIDS for the opportunity!
【新中的设想】作为新加坡和中国设计师的跨国交流平台之一,该活动由云南省室内设计行业协会YNID和新加坡室内设计协会SIDS联合主办。Tung Ching Yew先生在此次中国昆明的活动中向大家分享了设计的五种语言。